Helen Sheppard
My parents made my childhood home a haven for people who were pushed the fringes of our community. Those who were homeless, people experiencing extreme distress and friends from the Pitjantjatjara community all found welcome in our home. Some of my earliest memories are of the injustice, racism and disrespect people I cared about faced every day.
I became passionate about social justice – a better world.
Now Chief Executive of UnitingCare Wesley Bowden, I’ve worked across many sectors – from aged care to childcare, employment and justice to homelessness; and I also serve on the Boards of the Impact Measurement Network of Australia and Foodbank SANT.
Nothing has dimmed my determination to supercharge social impact via innovation that is customer focussed and lived experience led. I use my privilege to create space and influence for people who voices are rarely heard and even more rarely acted upon.